Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a Beginner

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a Beginner


2 min read

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According to Wikipedia, Imposter Syndrome is a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their skills, talents, or accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a "fraud".

More often we developers or people in the tech space there are times we struggle with imposter syndrome, the feeling that you don't anything yet you might be knowing and have been taught or gone over it more than one time.

Imposter syndrome is widely recognized and common not limited to a specific gender or seniority. You'll find that even at times senior developers experience it only that they might have found a way to cope with or just building confidence not to reveal it out.

Here are some ways to overcome it:

  • Don't think about it "the thought of not knowing much " just do it.

  • Find a project or topic you're passionate about and work on it since it makes learning fun.

  • Join a community or have some peers with whom you can frequently do checkups where you can share your experiences, what you've learned so far etc. This might help you know that you're not alone and at times almost everyone experiences imposter syndrome.

  • Maintain consistent action: If you write code daily continue doing so at one point whatever doesn't make sense will, especially for those doing JavaScript.

  • Come up with your goals to help you visualize your success and focus on your plan

What do I want to achieve, ways or materials to use, and what time period to achieve these goals.

Whenever you've got the imposter syndrome feeling look back at the goals you set and what you've achieved so far that.

  • Have positive self-talk and always remember whatever you've achieved to avoid that feeling.

You tell yourself: " I have to get over my imposter syndrome, I'm a great talent, I've achieved or learned a lot over time and I must never forget this"

Remember that

"Your self-worth as a developer or individual doesn't depend on your productivity and it's okay to just exist sometimes".

"Imposter Syndrome is addressable and overtime when you learn how to overcome or cope with it always be there to help others deal with it"

"Period of time between imposter syndrome episodes are confidence intervals"

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