Offensive Security Tooling: Gobuster: The Basics (TryHackMe)

Offensive Security Tooling: Gobuster: The Basics (TryHackMe)


1 min read

In this article, I will write a Gobuster: The Basics that covers Environment and Setup, Gobuster: Introduction, Use Case: Directory and File Enumeration, Use Case: Subdomain Enumeration, and Use Case: Vhost Enumeration.

  1. What flag to we use to specify the target URL? -u

  2. What command do we use for the subdomain enumeration mode? dns

  3. Which flag do we have to add to our command to skip the TLS verification? Enter the long flag notation. --no-tls-validation

  4. Enumerate the directories of offensivetools.thm. Which directory catches your attention? secret

  5. Continue enumerating the directory found in question 2. You will find an interesting file there with a .js extension. What is the flag found in this file? THM{ReconWasASuccess}

  6. Apart from the dns keyword and the -w flag, which shorthand flag is required for the command to work? -d

  7. Use the commands learned in this task, how many subdomains are configured for the offensivetools.thm domain? 4

  8. Use the commands learned in this task to answer the following question: How many vhosts on the offensivetools.thm domain reply with a status code 200? 4

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