Network Fundamentals: Packet and Frames (TryHackMe)

Network Fundamentals: Packet and Frames (TryHackMe)


1 min read

In this article, I will write the write-up for the Packet and Frames walkthrough from TryHackMe. This covers what packets and frames are, TCP/IP Three-Way Handshake, UDP/IP, and Ports 101.

  1. What is the name for a piece of data when it does have IP addressing information? Packet

  2. What is the name for a piece of data when it does not have IP addressing information? Frame

  3. What is the header in a TCP packet that ensures the integrity of data? checksum

  4. Provide the order of a normal Three-way handshake (with each step separated by a comma) SYN,SYN/ACK,ACK

  5. What is the value of the flag given at the end of the conversation? THM{TCP_CHATTER}

  6. What does the term "UDP" stand for? User Datagram Protocol

  7. What type of connection is "UDP"? Stateless

  8. What protocol would you use to transfer a file? TCP

  9. What protocol would you use to have a video call? UDP

  10. Practical Challenge:

    Open the site attached to this task and connect to the IP address "" on port "1234", and you'll receive a flag.

    Answer the questions below

    What is the flag received from the challenge? THM{YOU_CONNECTED_TO_A_PORT}

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