Introduction to Offensive Security: Operating System Security

Introduction to Offensive Security: Operating System Security


1 min read

In this article, I will write a write-up for Operating System Security that covers an Introduction to Operating System Security, Common Examples of OS Security, and Practical Examples of OS Security.

  1. Which of the following is not an operating system? Thunderbird

    1. AIX

    2. Android

    3. Chrome OS

    4. Solaris

    5. Thunderbird

  2. Which of the following is a strong password, in your opinion? LearnM00r

    1. iloveyou

    2. 1q2w3e4r5t

    3. LearnM00r

    4. qwertyuiop

  3. Based on the top 7 passwords, let’s try to find Johnny’s password. What is the password for the user J**ohnny**? abc123

  4. Once you are logged in as Johnny, use the command history to check the commands that Johnny has typed. We expect Johnny to have mistakenly typed the root password instead of a command. What is the root password? happyHack!NG

  5. While logged in as Johnny, use the command su - root to switch to the root account. Display the contents of the file flag.txt in the root directory. What is the content of the file? THM{YouGotRoot}

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