Networking: Networking Core Protocols (TryHackMe)

Networking: Networking Core Protocols (TryHackMe)


2 min read

In this article, I will write a write-up for Networking Core Protocols that covers DNS: Remembering Addresses, WHOIS, HTTP(S): Accessing the Web, FTP: Transferring Files, SMTP: Sending Email, POP§: Receiving Email and IAMP: Synchronizing Email.

  1. Which DNS record type refers to IPv6? AAAA

  2. Which DNS record type refers to the email server? MX

  3. When was the record created? Provide the answer in YYYY-MM-DD format. 1993-04-02

  4. When was the record created? Provide the answer in YYYY-MM-DD format. 2000-01-21

  5. Use telnet to access the file flag.html on MACHINE_IP. What is the hidden flag? THM{TELNET-HTTP}

    We used Wireshark to examine the exchanged messages more closely. The client’s messages are in red, while the server’s responses are in blue. Notice how various commands differ between the client and the server. For example, when you type ls on the client, the client sends LIST to the server. One last thing to note is that the directory listing and the file we downloaded are sent over a separate connection each.

    Answer the questions below

  6. Using the FTP client ftp on the AttackBox, access the FTP server at MACHINE_IP and retrieve flag.txt. What is the flag found? THM{FAST-FTP}

  7. Which SMTP command indicates that the client will start the contents of the email message? DATA

  8. What does the email client send to indicate that the email message has been fully entered? .

  9. Looking at the traffic exchange, what is the name of the POP3 server running on the remote server? Dovecot

  10. Use telnet to connect to MACHINE_IP’s POP3 server. What is the flag contained in the fourth message? THM{TELNET_RETR_EMAIL}

  11. What IMAP command retrieves the fourth email message? FETCH 4 body[]

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