How The Web Works (TryHackMe)

How The Web Works (TryHackMe)


2 min read

  1. What does DNS stand for? Domain Name System

  2. What is the maximum length of a subdomain? 63

  3. Which of the following characters cannot be used in a subdomain ( 3 b _ - )? _

  4. What is the maximum length of a domain name? 253

  5. What type of TLD is ccTLD

  6. What type of record would be used to advise where to send email? MX

  7. What type of record handles IPv6 addresses? AAAA

  8. What field specifies how long a DNS record should be cached for? TTL

    TTL (Time To Live): This is a value in a DNS record that tells DNS resolvers how long they should cache (store) the record before requesting a fresh copy from the authoritative DNS server. The TTL value is specified in seconds. For example, a TTL of 3600 seconds means that the record can be cached for 1 hour before the resolver needs to query the DNS server again for updated information.

  9. What type of DNS Server is usually provided by your ISP? Recursive

  10. What type of server holds all the records for a domain? Authoritative

  11. What is the CNAME of (enter shops and change to CNAME to get the right output)

  12. What is the value of the TXT record of website.thm? THM{7012BBA60997F35A9516C2E16D2944FF}

  13. What is the numerical priority value for the MX record? 30

  14. What is the IP address for the A record of website.thm?

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